
Little nuances of life

Little nuances of life! February 16, 2018 It is truly interesting ! Volunteering for a friend to invite and confirm invitees for the launch which is inaugurated by the highest office of our country,I randomly called many CEOs, HODs and Bureaucrats offices. Every office, the PS or EA very politely listen and when I say 'Hey Sorry about last minute calling for RSVP bcz it involves none other than the Nation's guardians for whom we were waiting for confirmation". You know , the responses were almost,' yeah we can understand', and there was a empathic concern and lo!! quick responses!!! I feel, these unknown faces and voices resonate a kind of camaraderie !!!! A subtle friendship floats from the core of their being!!  yet another form of warmth & love! Cheers, Jayy

I Care ! do I Really care!

I Care ! do I Really care! July 30th 2018 Walk alongside the road, beach, railway stations, schools, temples, shops do I care ? What's it  I am asking? Do I really care? One look at the things around, people around, one conscious look is enough to change what I can, but do I really care? A look beyond myself, a look into the society I live in, the people I live with, the words I utter, the money I spend, the food I waste, the time I indulge in, where am I going?  I have asked myself these questions, many times.  Many a times  positive stimulation to be of some use to a worthy cause ,  many a times helplessness leads to frustration. Oh no ! no frustration.  A feeling of shame creeps in. Sudden spurts of thinking about all these often leads to sadness that life is slipping by!!!!  Robert Frost line rings into the ears, 'Miles to go before I sleep'  then comes the urge to do something, help someone, to find ways and means to make a di...

Journey on the Road of Life

Journey on the Road of Life October 28, 2017- Life ! . Life is a  highway going uphill and downhill with turns and bends, with potholes and dead ends..... Speed breakers cause a lot harm to the smooth ride as it brings life almost to a halt and to pick speed where we were, it takes time, effort and energy. Fascinating journey of relationships what makes life interesting I guess. Each and every one who crosses our path has lot to offer. Wisdom , love, hate, greed, all abstracts come into our life unknowingly,  and we imbibe them unconsciously like a careless driver on the road. A small wrong turn changes life 180 degrees! Before we breathe again, the vehicle of life has moved, taking away precious time to the next sign post. Talking about the signs, probably the signs near the speed breakers are great lessons of life. 'Go slow, Life is precious' kinda notes on the highway tell  a very profound truth silently! Take a m...

Have you ?

Have you? Feb 19th 2018 Have you ever  been a part of the team which hosts the Prime minister of a country? It is simply maddening ! lot of changes till the last minute!  instructions galore ! left, right and centre. No freedom to do the event of great significance !  boils down to protocol, ego outbursts,  ugly power games, and more!! Desires of people to be in the vicinity of the  people in power, pretend to be important and busy and much more. These occasions demands new suits, make up and shoes!!!!! It matters ! does it ? Who wants all this! I am enjoying being a part of a lovely bunch of youngsters and amazed at their co working capabilities. After all we live but once, winning as many hearts as possible seems a priority to me more than all these supposedly ' feathers in one's cap' or mile stones. I rather feel these are obstacles in in reality :) More in future! cheers Jayy